前一段时间有LY发了个贴,内容如下:昨日在石牌碰到有个站街 ,那汹是真他吗的大 ,且耐投也不是一般的大 ,她自己租了一个房子,每天在石牌附近拉客,各位趣的LY可以去试验下 ,还给我留了微信 ,要我帮她介绍客人,安全没问题,1371949648 最后一位数字是4...
地点:广州市车陂路95号之瑞星**店休闲会 环境:评分40分,真它妈差,想着都捶Xiong口,连自助餐都没有 JS:共14人,长得还可以,起码不会环肥燕瘦吧 手艺:QT下火基本功扎实,但配合度欠佳,有待提高 设备:房间宽度可以,但偏旧,个别门有松动,安全感较差...
【寻欢地址】:横沙地铁附近 【逍遥时间】:10.8 【信息來源】:朋友带去的 【技术号码】:32号 【寻欢时间】:白天 【JS年齡】:目测27左右 【容貌态度】:很好 【环境设备】:好 【桑拿项目】:蛮多的 【寻欢花费】:410 【安全系数】:99 【寻欢细节】:...
ASST123号,样子一般啦,身材中等偏苗条,啵啵有B,付无不错,DL真实、深入、持久。 YM139号,样子过得去,身材中等,啵啵有B,付无好,MY、填耳朵等都做得不错,DL爬着的时候做一次,转过身来,在瞎面垫毛巾又做一次,真实,持久。...
Consumption time: 2014-10.26 Hotel name: Dongxiao Road Location: Dongxiao sauna Contact information: No contact information: Price: 328-350 Number of technicians: 8 Newcomer free style to provide you with a Dongxiao Road, Haizhu District, G...
Consumption time: 2015-02-21 Hotel name: Haizhizhou Location: Baidu under the bar, there is no contact information: Contact information: 18588849384 Price: 258 358 Number of technicians: 40 Listen to LY introduces a good half-set of Haizhiz...
Consumption time: 2015-01-11 Hotel name: Dongxiao sauna Location: Dongxiao Road Contact: No contact: Price: 350 Number of technicians: 10 One day, the car is finished, tired and half dead, plus smashed For a long time, I searched the forum...
Consumption time: 2014-12-25 Hotel name: Hakka Wang location: Self Baidu, there is no contact information: Contact information: Minister Zhang: 13611474422 Price: 338+10+(10) Number of technicians: 30 Since the wolf was single, she went to...
The stone plate archway at Huangpu Avenue goes in, the walkway goes, there are several hair salon massages. Mature woman, fire can, there is a mature woman, the wave is oversized, very arrogant, good....
Consumption time: 2015-02-12 Hotel name: Jinsha location: Car 陂 There is no contact information: Contact information: 13434180510 Price: 300 technicians: 20 This time, my friend took me to experience it. I used to think that there was noth...